Thursday, May 3, 2007

a clown,a movie and lotsa fun!

Well,some of you must be wondering what the heck is my post title all about.Basically,it's just what happened yesterday and today.Yesterday was Labour's Day and also Eden's Day.Eden's day(for those of you who don't know) is a charity fundraising day,similar to hari koko.I got my chance to be a clown..hehe..Well,some kids kind of like me and there was even one who offered me a sweet.HOw sweet of her!haha.Some were abit frightened and there was even a kid who cried.I DIDN"T DO ANYTHING for your information.I didnt even approach her.I was just on my way out of the hall!Oh yea,Eden's Day was held at the community hall in Kampung Paya and we had lotsa fun.Know what,clowns can earn up to 400 bucks per hour!Now who says we cant survive without a degree?!:P..

I went for a movie with my friends this afternoon.The long awaited Spier-man 3!MUahaha..I was lucky to get tickets cause every session was full!The movie was real nice.Action,comedy,romance and lotsa more.You name it and they got it!Throughout the movie I learnt alot of things.One was real friendship.Just as not to spoil the movie,I wont reveal what happened in the watch it for your own good!

There is a certain quote I found really nice.

We all have choices and I believe we can choose to do the right Peter Parker(I hope it's correct!).

And another one by Aunt May..

Vengeance(or hatred or revenge) is like a poison.It will change us and.......(for more watch the movie urself)

So,yeah..let's learn to forgive and let go and choose to do the right thing!:P


Yi Lian Wong said...

bad ar u, scared little kids... hahah
joking la

Rui Shuang said...

u watched spiderman ady oh? nice! i wish i can watch it too...*someday* haha..

zhihow3 said...

buy dvd lor..hehe..i watched it for the 2nd time..gonna have the 3rd i tink..buey tahan dy..aha