Sunday, August 24, 2008


With the Beijing Olympics over, I can't help but to think that time is indeed so fast ahead of us. Who would have thought that 16 days seem like such a period of time? It felt just like yesterday when you were watching 204 nations marched out onto the Bird's Nest and next thing you know, GOODBYE BEIJING, HELLO LONDON. Malaysia did well with its 1st olympic medal after 12 years. The ahtletes did their best regardless of what the results are. After all, they are the nation's best. Want to complain? Wait till you get to don on the national colours, win a medal, then you bising! :P

Argh! School begins 7 hours from now. A short week of hectic holidays is over just like that. I was involved in the Johor Form 6 Carnival and got to know a bunch of fun juniors from all over Johor. I was reluctant to go but still enjoyed it more or less. Then, it was off to KL to visit an old time friend. His condition certainly is getting better. Praise God! I cant wait for the day when we will all play basketball again, mate! Did a little shopping too with Eric and Andy on this trip. Oh well, it was a short but fun trip. Leo installation was next, followed by watching Wall E with the Shelter Kids. It was a cute movie, not exactly the mega box office movie, but like Shrek 3, a movie in a league of its own. Moral learnt, TREASURE EARTH BEFORE IT"S FULL OF THRASH and BRING YOUR DATE TO THE MOVIE! Haha. Well, ELS Farewell Party was next. Thanks alot, new board. The food was good. Too bad I missed your performance. All the best man!

Ah..I havent study a single thing as usual for trials. Back to business as usual in couple of hours. I just missed the good old days. Haha. In the meantime, chill everyone..