Sunday, October 12, 2008

Diverging or Converging?

Yesterday was a hectic day. Beginning with a free breakfast session courtesy of a teacher and then shopping for clothes at The Store before making our way to T6 for an open house. Luqman, I know you might not be reading this but still, the food was great and thanks for the hospitality!
Boy, it poured like it hadn't rain in a week yesterday. Visibility on the road is close to 0! I hate heavy rain! Haha!

Well, I was having a talk with Merv and Jie Eunice after breakfast this morning about relationship, in particular married life. She said something that's like really the key to maintaining a relationship, commitment. In a relationship, there tends to be rough and bad journey but it just takes understanding and tolerance to come out of such storm. She went on to add that people changes over the time and it's a never-ending process, which is very true. Whether or not a relationship works out depends on both the parties, not just one side tolerating the other. Instead, it's about changing together and marching forward together despite the differences and arguments. Hm, so I supposed relationship can be linked to Maths 1. It's either a converging relationship, where both parties will meet at a point in changing or a divergent one, where both parties go their own separate ways, for better or worse. I think this actually applies in every relationship, not just the boy-girl one. Agree? If we don't see eye to eye with one another, I suppose all we gonna get is constant misunderstanding. Aih~ Aih~

I need to start applying what Uncle Mark preached today. Fill my mind NOT with dramas but with things about the Lord so I can rejoice in every situation. Aw..people, REJOICE!:P

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