Sunday, September 27, 2009


The Raya holidays has come to an end. A long 11 days break from lectures,tutorials and notes was quite fun. Yours truly have alot to complete but choose to have fun,work later. This theory definitely is not a good one thus people, do not follow! Haha. Well, it was definitely great to catch up once more with so many friends. Everyone is busy with everything and as time passes by, we seldom see each other. It was definitely a great time sleeping at home and eating all the good food too! People say when you are in uni, you slim down. That statement does not apply to me at any point!

Well, will be heading back to UTM tomorrow. Lots of test coming. Fuh!!! At least I had my share of fun and shopping the past week. I went KL to meet up with my sister and donated a little to charity. Had late night yum chas session again. Not forgetting a small gathering at my house. Aw..The sweet things that was such a norm during the 6 months break. I wish everyone here happy schooling once more! And for those travelling, a safe journey back!

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