Tuesday, March 25, 2008


First curriculum test ended today,with MUET trials beginning tomorrow till Friday.Finally,some breathing space.I havent exactly been revising hard but now that the "stress" is gone,things certainly look better.April is coming,signalling the arrival of the only day where you can joke without paying the price(of course no very extreme jokes!).I've finished nearly almost a quarter of year 2008,another three quarter to walk before my form 6 life ended.How much impact can I leave in my friends' life?

I've heard stories of people disliking me ever sinc young.I always thought that's not much of a big deal.Truth is,it's a very big deal!If one person says one thing,maybe it's bias but if whole loads of them?Perhaps it's time to take a deep breath,slow down your steps and reflect about yourself.I guess I need to start doing that soon.Cheng Yee wrote on his blog,a boy is one who has power and a man is one who can control his.I certainly have been or still in the stage of a boy but a man is what I got to be.

Mouth is a very useful tool.I don't deny the fact that I've sort of been blessed with pretty good language skills and communication skills.Whether or not I've put that to good use is still questionable.However,I am rather sure I've hurt many on the way.It's important to sort out your grudge and all with people before it's too late.So here I want to apologise if I've hurt you,both intentional or unintentionally.Anyways,back to lighter stuffs.

Opps!Nothing light to write about!Haha!Well,we are always told to undo to others what you want others to undo to you.Let's take it a step further like what the Bible says,Do unto others what you want others to do to you.In this way,we are not only avoiding trouble but are actually stopping trouble.Sounds good?

Let's all learn to be man and not boy!

p/s:TZH is extremely sleep therefoer any mistake in the passage is unintentional..

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