Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today is officially 1st day of my holidays. Waking up to find out that school uniform, school rules and the same old boring assembly are all history now seems a bit weird. I still can't believe I had finished my high school life. It's only a short journey of one and a half years yet it seems like so much had taken place within this short period of time, way more than I can remembered from my 5 years of secondary school life. Somehow, it's rather weird to be hitting the road again with no destination set. Worrying about my results and my future looks to be the best and right thing to do now, besides enjoying myself of course. Haha! Well, will this time go into the waste? In terms of results, only next year will I know. In terms of maturity I supposed I moved on quite a bit compared to my former self. People you meet, things that happened, changes that took place. All these just add up to make a bitter sweet memory, like it or not it's stuck in my head for awhile. Hm, a long holidays packed with activities is coming up. Oh Lord, help me to have more faith!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you'll only enjoy your holidays when you stop worrying. just take a few minutes to work out what you will do if your results turn out good/bad and then forget about it, go have fun!