Saturday, September 27, 2008

What's next?

I'm on holidays,again! The Raya holidays is here! Can you smell the ketupat? Haha! I still remembered the last Raya holidays I had, it was to prepare for the lower 6 final examination. This time around, no more final exam after Raya but it's the horrifying STPM! Done with trials and did "ok", I guess. The high school years are finally coming to an end, 1 and a half year of form 6 is finishing. The question remains, did I enjoy my stay?

A conversation I had with Cheng Yee some time ago had him saying GO TO SCHOOL AND ENJOY YOURSELF. He said he was playing a fool most of the time in school with his friends, enjoying the period of time in STK. I believed many of us have done that. As for me, let's not go there. :X Hm, perhaps I am like what many people said I am, attention seeking. I enjoy being around many people and wish to be part of everything, most of which doesnt seem to work out. Reality check, mayb I am just asking for too much. Opss..

Well, another 2 months to STPM and 3 to freedom, hm..What's next?

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