Monday, March 30, 2009

WIDE 101

Hi people! I have just finished the WIDE 101 training under Pastor Kelly on both Friday and Saturday. It was indeed a fruitful course as I learnt a lot more about basic Christianity chores, and the real meaning behind doing it. I also realised how choosy I am when it comes to interacting and knowing people. I supposed all this helps to further prepare me for my university life which will starts in July. Argh! I am so leaving home this time round.

Well, on the lighter side of things, I got to know some new buddies, namely the Hebronites who called themselves Ezra,Ezri and David. Well, it was quite a nice 2 days training with all the mamak-ing and lunch hour together. The on field training gave me a knock on my head though. I realised how choosy and cowardice I am when it comes to reaching out to people and knowing strangers. I am known as the talkative guy everywhere I go so I guess I will really need to live up to my name?Haha. Overall, I really am thankful to Pastor Kelly for this training and I am looking forward to 201!

1 comment:

ezra said...

Nice to meet you too brother. Keep in touch more often. xD