Thursday, December 20, 2007

Guilty As Charged!

Well,recently I have been going through some events where I get alot of fingers pointed at me,saying I did stuffs that sort of hurt them.I guess I am at fault and I take the blame totally.I realise I need to stop trying to convinve people I am right,whether in a good or bad way.I admit I have a very bad-tempered and I can just flare it at anyone if they did something that,to me get on my nerves.I like to step up and take charge of things,thinking whatever I do is right,most of the time I get into troubles with many people and of course,throughout the years I have learnt I am actually pretty much wrong on every occassion.It's not the 1st time I have someone saying at me I should control the words that come out from my mouth.I think I have been pretending to be all right with what I said and thinking everything is fine,which in fact,isnt.

I realise sometimes certain actions I do and certain words I said not only affect myself,but people around me as well.It's so true that your mouth can build someone up or tear someone down.Sometimes,just because of words I have said or actions I have taken,it can spark quarrels or worst till,hatred among others.I should not do what that will cause people around me stumble.If I have ever did any of those to you,I sincerely apologised.

I do not like it when I am being reprimanded but I have learnt that when I am at fault,all I need to do is keep quiet and listen.Listen more and TALK LESS is what I need to practice.Building up my character as what Pastor Elijah stressed in the camp is just so true to me as of now.I need to start giving up the rights to be right in every situation,whether I am wrong or not.I believe I can do it and I just want to say I regret for bringing and tearing you guys down sometimes.I hope everyone of us,including myself will be able to practice the Elevator Principle like John Maxwell said and just bring everyone up,not down.

Anyways,Christmas is around the corner.Shouldn't we be joyous and bring some joy to people around us?Btw,TZH is rather broke lately.Anyone willing to bless me with some hard cold cash?:X

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